2020-21: Evolution of the steel prices

2020-21: Evolution of the steel prices

According to the ANIFER index (the National Association of rebar producers of Spain, anifer.es) the price of steel increased from January to December by around 21% during 2020, from an index of 296’87 €, to reach in December 345’61 €. 

However, the price of steel was growing slowly, 10%, throughout the year until December, where for two months there were increases of more than 10% per month: That is, in one month, it grew the same as what had been achieved in 11 months. 

In summary, we can say that the variability of the price of steel this year has been an increase in prices of more than € 100/Ton during 2020. 

During 2021, the upward trend has been very marked since March, with a shortage of material, rises in the coil, etc … Reaching increases of over 70% until July. For August, the Index did reflect a small drop. 

Since June, the way of publishing has been changed, going from percentages to variations in Euros /Ton, in order to simplify revisions. 

Currently, the ANIFER index is sent to more than 650 construction companies, being a reference for the review of corrugated steel supply contracts in Spain. 

Source: Anifer


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